When Anxiety Knocks on Your Door

I had lots of different thoughts about what to write this week.

I had many different ideas, things written, titles, topics, personal things that happen, so on and so forth. But I couldn’t really decide.

One thing I do know is I will always be completely honest and transparent about the things I write and what I say. I don’t want to write and give “fluffy” advice or words.

I’m not 100% sure where I will end with this post but I do have an idea. So, lets figure it out together.

The past week anxiety came knocking on my door. I have never written about when I used to struggle with it on a daily basis. The people closest to me know how bad it was for awhile. But I have pretty much overcome most of the anxieties I have on just about anything.

Needless to say, it is very strange when I feel anxious for the smallest or most odd reasons.

This time it threw me for a loop. No, I didn’t have an all out panic attack or couldn’t go threw with something, I just felt off and like I couldn’t move forward. That may sound weird but if you have experienced anxiety you probably know exactly what I am talking about.

I felt physically ill, a little dizzy, my heart started to race, all of those things that make you feel like you want to run back home to feel normal again.

Thankfully, I do know how to overcome the feelings and realize that I am not dying, I am okay, just a little nervous about an event or place that I have never been too.

I usually pray, out loud, in my car for the anxiety to be calmed, for my emotions, and stomach, to be stable. I soon start to feel peace and calm again and can go own with the evening.

What I really want to get at and tell you guys is, I think for some reason those old thoughts and feelings coming back made me do something I haven’t done in a long time.

I started to question myself.

I started to question if, all of a sudden, I wasn’t meant to be where I am at, if I am a good wife, if I can do hard things…

If I can really be a Military Spouse.

If I can take on new challenges, meet new people, strive for what I want, figure out how to be myself, and just do it! Whatever it is!

Side note: Even though wife and military spouse are the same thing, military spouse takes on a WHOLE new set of life rules, skills, mindsets, and stresses than I ever thought it would. It is something I was definitely not equipped for once I married the military (a.k.a. Brendan).

As I was reading a small devotional this weekend it was talking about the stresses Jesus had in his life. How he overcame them and what he was sent on earth to do.

After meditating on that for a moment, I realized, that I don’t need to question myself! I don’t need to try and figure out who I am again, or learn to fully be myself in front of others.

I already know how to do that!

I can either let the feelings of anxiety overtake me or I can let the peace of Jesus rule in my heart and take on what is in front of me.

I chose to do that later half of that. I choose peace.

Moving, taking on a whole new town, life, friends, house, schedule, stores, pretty much everything is HARD. Everyone knows that, and this isn’t my first time doing it. However, it will get easier and better the more I work for the new normal.

This week I needed the reminder that I am fully capable of doing what is set in front of me. I am fully capable to be myself and not let anxiety get the best of me.

Colossians 3:15 (NIV) “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

This week is already so much better, because I have chosen peace.

So, here is your reminder today to let peace rule in your heart.

I hope these words encouraged you today! Tell me below or hit the button below to hang out with me on Instagram or Facebook!

Thanks for reading,

~Erin, The Short Wife

2 thoughts on “When Anxiety Knocks on Your Door

  1. Thank you for sharing that, I never hear people being completely honest and open. This is so nice to read today. My anxiety is through the roof sometimes too
    Exactly as you described like you cant physically move forward. I get that completely. My leg actually physically stops moving. It’s a little creepy and I dont like not being able to control my own body. Thanks for sharing.


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